Emailing Like a Pro

Your email game needs to be as sharp as your suit.

  1. Nailing the Subject Line: This is your hook! It’s what gets your email noticed or tossed in the digital dumpster. Keep it clear, catchy, and not creepy. No “Hey there” to someone you barely know.
  2. Picking Your Email Posse: Don’t hit “Reply All” like it’s a free-for-all button. Not everyone needs to know about your lunch choice. And make sure you’re emailing the right John Smith.
Imagine if a reply-all e-mail chain jumped from the screen into your everyday life. What a nightmare.
  1. Greeting Like a Human: Start with a “Hey,” “Hi,” or “Hello” followed by their name, not “To whom it may concern”.
  2. K.I.S.S. – Keep It Simple, Smarty: Don’t write a novel. Get to the point before they start scrolling Instagram out of boredom. Use bullets or numbers if you’ve got to list things.

5. Tone It Right: Your email shouldn’t sound like a robot unless you’re emailing one. Be polite but ditch the caps lock – YOU’RE NOT YELLING, are you?

6. The Devil’s in the Details (Proofread!): Typos are easy to fix. A quick read-through can save you from embarrassment.

7. Attachment Agony: Mention your attachments; don’t let them be a surprise! And name them like they’re going into a file cabinet, not your personal diary.

8. Don’t Be the Email Ghost: Reply within a day, even if it’s just to say, “Got it, I’ll get back to you.” Leaving people hanging is the email equivalent of leaving them on read.

Tip: “No Update!” IS an update, and is much better than hearing nothing at all.

9. Sign Off Like a Pro: Include a signature that doesn’t look like it was made in MS Paint. Your name, position, and how to reach you – keep it simple but informative.

Alright, class dismissed! Stick to these rules, and you’ll be building bridges instead of burning them. Your emails are your arrows – make sure they hit the mark and don’t boomerang back to knock you out. Now go forth and conquer your inbox with dignity.